Intentional Wellbeing

Mindful Healing from Within

An experienced BANT Registered Naturopathic Therapist, Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga teacher & Reiki and Sound Healing practitioner based in Somerset.
Offering in-person and online guidance.

© Intentional Wellbeing. All rights reserved.


My passion for providing an entirely holistic experience is deeply rooted from my own personal experiences.At the age of 13 I suffered a running-related injury that was not healing even after frequent physiotherapy and other advised medical treatments. Frequently researching for methods to strengthen my injury, a passion sparked within me. Through yoga, my advancements were growing day-by-day. Several years later I decided to train to become a teacher and am now part of The Yoga Alliance Professionals.This was only the beginning of my journey…The more aware I became of my outer strength, the more I became aware that my inner resilience and strength was wilting.
To find a cure for my digestive issues that I had struggled with on a daily basis for as long as I could remember, I approached my eating habits differently – leading me to the path of a plant-based journey. I decided to take a more natural and holistic approach, mainly by switching to a completely plant based and mostly unprocessed diet and by determining and eliminating my trigger foods, rather than following the conventional route of unknown diagnoses and medication. So I looked for a course that aligned with my fascination of natural health and holism and enrolled on it a month after I’d completed my yoga qualification! After 3 intense years of studying and clinic observations and experience I graduated as a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2019
To round all of this off I also became attuned to Reiki Level 2 and will soon be doing my third degree and attuning as a Reiki Master. So with all of this, Yoga, Nutrition and Reiki, I’m able to provide an entirely holistic experience and tend to your mind, body and soul.

“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
― Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Nutritional Therapy

All new clients beginning their nutrition journey with me will begin with an initial consultation that will last roughly around 90 minutes.A consultation will involve:

  • Thoroughly assessing your past medical and health history

  • Discussing any health and wellbeing concerns and establishing your intentions and would like to achieve through your nutritional therapy

  • Reviewing your current diet and nutrient intake and well as any nutritional supplements and the medication you may be taking

  • Evaluating your current lifestyle and food preferences so I can tailor a completely personalised and holistic plan to fit you

During our initial meeting, there will be an array of detailed questions that we will run through to ensure that I can create the best bespoke nutrition and lifestyle plan for you which then will be emailed over.It is especially important that once you receive the plan, that any queries that you may have are answered and that you feel supported and empowered.Within 4-6 weeks of starting the plan, I will schedule a follow up session where we can review and discuss your personal wellness goals.The follow-up session will include:

  • Establishing how you feel, what improvements you’ve made towards your intentions and whether you’ve noticed any changes in relation to the concerns you may have had during your first consultation

  • Evaluating your nutrition and lifestyle plan to see what worked worked well and making any tweaks or additions we need to further your progress

During subsequent follow-ups, I will continue to monitor your progression and response to treatment and make further adjustments if and when they’re needed. We can also work together to reassess your aims and intentions, if desired, to completely optimise your wellness so you can become your most wholesome self.

What Can Nutritional Therapy Support?

There are so many different concerns that can be supported through nutritional therapy and this is only a small list of examples amongst countless others.I have worked with a wide range of people, each with unique health conditions and wellness goals and it’s so rewarding to see the genuine and positive difference that nutrition and lifestyle adaptations can make to their wellbeing

  • Digestive Issues

  • Skin Concerns

  • Stress and Burn-out

  • Weight Management

  • Poor Sleep and Sleep Disorders

  • Mental and Emotional Health

  • Immunity

  • Chronic Illness

  • Autoimmune Conditions

  • Fatigue and Low Energy Levels

Nutritional Therapy Initial 90 Minute Consultation Including Plan£95.00
Nutritional Therapy Follow-Up Consultation£50.00

"I have struggled with several health issues and some of which are long term. Millie gave me a great plan to help me heal from within and to each incredible lessons on how to sustain my health through a healthy diet and exercise.
I owe a lot to her for empowering me to have a better level of life and self-care".
-Laur Mortier


I am trained in Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin styles of yoga and teach a combination of all three styles in each one of my classes. You can find more information below on what the different styles involve if you're not already familiar with the different variations that yoga has.I currently teach on a one to one basis along with private group classes and corporate classes.Classes normally last 1 hour and are tailored to you and your needs and intentions of what you’d like to achieve from the practice.
My group classes are usually a mix of styles and may include more dynamic vinyasa flow sequences as we start warming up followed by slower, more cooling yin asanas towards the end. However I do also teach dedicated yin-only classes but these are more often in a one-to-one environment.
As we progress with your practice you will really feel yourself developing as you achieve and get closer to your goals, become stronger and gain flexibility and start to learn new postures as I integrate them into our sessions.

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga is one of my absolute favourite styles of yoga to teach and to practise myself. Unlike the yang styles of yoga you might be more familiar with, such as Vinyasa and Ashtanga, which focus on strength and fluidity as you move in and out of asanas, yin yoga draws your attention in deeper than just the muscles and works on the fascia and connective tissues, joints and bones.
To target these inner tissues we need slow down and really tune in to our body. Poses are held for a much longer time when practicing yin yoga, usually anywhere between 2 and 5 minutes but some can be held for even longer.
Because of the longer than usual time spent on each pose, your inner tissues get a chance to stretch and lengthen rather than allowing the muscles to do all the work. When the connective tissues become more supple then tension, stiffness and discomfort is relieved.
Not only does yin yoga relieve tension in the body but also in the mind. The long, slow movements mean you have the chance to focus on your breath and sit with any emotions or feelings of discomfort that may arise, providing you with a deeply meditative experience as well as physical.

1-hour one-to-one yoga session Shorter or longer sessions are available on request.
Price does not include travel costs

"In my late 40s I was beginning to suffer from the back pain and I had added some weight that I was finding hard to lose. I embarked on one to one yoga instruction with Millie.These sessions helped me to understand how important it was to maintain core strength as I aged for both good posture and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After 6 months, my health had improved significantly and I had gained core strength, my back pain was no more and my movement and flexibility was greatly improved.Following the instructors advice, these 6 months resulted in weight loss without the need for strict dieting. I highly recommend Millie, you can benefit from the excellent advice and professional approach from the instructor and lead a healthier, happier lifestyle without drastic changes to your daily routine"James Scott

Sound Healing

Sound healing is the therapeutic use of sound and vibration to help improve physical and emotional health and wellness. These frequencies have been shown to clear energetic blockages and may help rebalance the internal environment which, in turn, facilitates the body’s own self-healing potential.Sound therapy is also a deeply meditative experience and can provide numerous different benefits to mental wellbeing as well. A few of these benefits include:

  • Reducing levels stress and anxiety

  • Improving sleep quality

  • Lowering heart rate as well blood pressure

  • Lessening symptoms of depression and other mood disorders

  • Easing any pain that may be present within the body

In my sound healing sessions, or sound baths as I also like to call them, I play up to 7 crystal quartz singing bowls each tuned to a different note that corresponds to each chakra of the body. A typical session with me includes specific breathing techniques, meditation, gentle stretching and movement of the body and, of course, a deep relaxation whereby I use the bowls to create different patterns of sound and vibration that is then absorbed by your body.


In our first Reiki session, we have an initial discussion of what it is that you’d like to get out of your treatment along with any symptoms or concerns you may have that you’d like me to focus on.I will then have you lay down and cover you with a blanket if that is comfortable for you and then begin the treatment.A typical Reiki session involves light touch as I move my hands across your body working in alignment with your chakras and focussing on any places that need extra attention. You may experience sensations such as warmth or tingling as well as visualisations such as seeing colours, patterns or images.

45-minute Reiki treatment£45.00


Do I need to do anything in advance of my nutritional therapy consultation?Prior to our first appointment, I will send you over a few documents for you to complete and send back as well as a 5-day diet diary that I kindly ask you to fill in and keep track of everything you eat and drink in the week before our consultation so I am able to get a good and in-depth picture of your current nutritional status.
What should I wear to my yoga session?Non-restrictive, comfortable clothing such as leggings or shorts and long/short sleeve tops, sports bras or vests that are not too loose as this can cause a distraction if they move around. Soft, breathable fabrics are always best.
What should I wear to my Reiki session?You can wear clean and comfortable clothing and preferably nothing too bulky such as belts or jewellery. However these can easily be removed before your treatment as well as shoes, glasses and other layers if necessary.


If you'd like to get in touch to book in or to find out more about me and what I offer you can contact me by phone, by email or by filling in the form below.

Thank you

Your enquiry has been sent!I will endeavour to get back to you within 1-2 working days.Love and light,

Corporate Yoga

Yoga in the workplace can be an enormously useful tool that benefits both staff and companies as a whole. There are numerous different benefits to yoga and almost all of which have a direct and positive impact on the workplace. A few of these benefits include:

  • Increased energy levels and staff motivation especially after lunchtime yoga classes thus eliminating afternoon fatigue

  • Mood boosting endorphin production leading to happier staff

  • Increased physical fitness, wellbeing and overall improvement of health which leads to...

  • ...Fewer lost work days which may be taken off due to illness or stress

  • Improved staff performance and productivity as yoga has been proven to benefit cognitive function and aid in boosting concentration, creativity and mental agility

  • Team building and morale boosting as classes are held in groups the shared experience of staff taking yoga classes together is a great way of forming team bonds thus improving collaboration in future projects

Prices on Request